The keystrokes of life
- Temple University, Temple Now
Sara Davis Buechner talks with ‘The Philadelphia Inquirer’ about her career, life and upcoming performance at Rock Hall.
Sara Davis Buechner talks with ‘The Philadelphia Inquirer’ about her career, life and upcoming performance at Rock Hall.
MorePhiladelphia has a major new pianist in residence: Sara Davis Buechner, who was recently named faculty pianist at Temple University. The Philadelphia Inquirer’s David Patrick Stearns discovered in her a manifesto for artistic survival.
MoreEvery time Sara Davis Buechner passed through Philadelphia on the train to and from her native Baltimore, her father issued a stern warning: “Never get off at Philadelphia.”
MoreWith the academic year now in full swing, WNYC’s Sara Fishko talks to a seasoned pianist – now settling into a new university position, to share the music.
MoreIn possession of a fearsome technique, Sara Davis Buechner has enjoyed engagements as soloist with many leading U.S. orchestras that include the New York Philharmonic, Philadelphia Orchestra, Cleveland Orchestra, St. Louis Symphony, San Francisco Symphony, and the National Orchestra in Washington, D.C.
More“I thought that I had heard most of the fantastic pianists who reside in the Pacific Northwest, but now I have to add another, Sara Davis Buechner, to my list after hearing her deliver an electrifying performance of George Gershwin’s Concerto in F with the Portland Columbia Symphony Orchestra at the First United Methodist Church on Friday evening (April 29th).”
MoreSolo piano concerts have come to hold a dual, contradictory status. They are ubiquitous in classical circles, where they serve didactic and diagnostic purposes through competitions and senior recitals. They’re also something of an anachronism in the contemporary sonic landscape, where digital listening threatens its live counterpart. Last Wednesday night, pianist Sara Davis Buechner brought something essential back to the Barnes Hall stage that too often eludes the musically inclined among us: humility.
More“La fuerza de la tierra’’ fue el título que abrazó el primer concierto de la nueva temporada de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Puerto Rico. Después de la exitosa participación de la orquesta en el Festival Casals, la Sala Sinfónica del Centro de Bellas Artes de Santurce, vibraba en la espera del delicioso menú que ofrecía el programa del pasado sábado 28, el cual estuvo salpicado del poder que tienen la melancolía y la tristeza en los grandes creadores.
MoreSPRINGFIELD — The bucolic charm of the German countryside vied for attention with urban American angst Saturday evening as Maestro Kevin Rhodes and the Springfield Symphony Orchestra presented a contrasting double bill of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 6, “Pastoral” and Bernstein’s Symphony No. 2, “The Age of Anxiety,” featuring pianist Sara Davis Buechner.